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Vol. 8 No. 29 (2015): July-December, 2015

Seasonal Migrant Workers’ Social Representations Regarding the Inhabitants of Saint-Rémi, Québec



The Mexican government has sent men and women to Canada under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP) since 1974 and through the Pilot Project since 2009. From an anthropological perspective, this research uses the theory of social representations and a multimethod comprising evocative words, semistructured interviews, scales of values and participant observation to explore migrant men’s representations of the inhabitants of Saint-Rémi, Quebec, understand how these representations are conceived and examinerelations between the two groups. The structural notions of representations were: Canadian-Quebecers are individualistic, exclusionary and racist, Latin American-Quebecers are supportive, Canada is a place of opportunity and agricultural work is hard.

Cover image


  • Mexico-Canada Labor migration
  • Quebec’s agribusiness
  • transnational programs
  • intercultural relations
  • social representations

How to Cite

DÍAZ MENDIBURO, A. (2016). Seasonal Migrant Workers’ Social Representations Regarding the Inhabitants of Saint-Rémi, Québec. Migraciones Internacionales, 8(29), 231–258.


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