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Vol. 9 No. 32 (2017): January-June, 2017

Japanese Immigration and the Bolivian Government’s Agrarian Reform



This article examines the establishment of the Japanese settlement of San Juan in the Santa Cruz region of Bolivia in the mid-20th century. Based on a study of the most important documents from that time, together with the related literature in English, Spanish and Japanese, this article suggests that postwar Japanese migration to Bolivia responded to Bolivia’s historical context at that time, but was connected, at both ends of the migration route, to the Japanese government and its population-control policies. It is noted that the political motivation of governments is fundamental to understanding this migration movement, and included in this case is the US government, which made it possible to find a meeting point among the positions on migration to the Santa Cruz region.

Cover image


  • historical migration
  • migration policy
  • Inamine Chusuke
  • Japan
  • Bolivia

How to Cite

IACOBELLI, P. (2017). <strong>Japanese Immigration and the Bolivian Government’s Agrarian Reform</strong>. Migraciones Internacionales, 9(32), 211–236.


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