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Vol. 10 (2019): January-December, 2019

Mexican immigrants' nostalgic experiences in New York

  • Esperanza Tuñón Pablos
  • Ariadna Martínez Olvera


This article analyzes the nostalgic experiences of Mexican immigrants in the state of New York. From a new approach to mobilities paradigm, we propose a focus on the emotional aspects of migration to reveal the internal conflicts that emerge when migrants seek to adapt to the lifestyle of their destination country, while trying not to lose their cultural roots, and how this inner tension influences the interactions in their everyday doings and emotions. Based on the narratives exposed in 35 interviews with Mexican immigrants living at the destination country, this qualitative study provides elements for the understanding of nostalgic experiences derived from the painful process of leaving their home country.

Cover image


  • Nostalgia
  • mobilities
  • cultural identity
  • Mexico
  • United States

How to Cite

Tuñón Pablos, E., & Martínez Olvera, A. (2019). Mexican immigrants’ nostalgic experiences in New York. Migraciones Internacionales, 10(36).


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