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Vol. 8 No. 31 (2016): July-December, 2016

Open-Border Immigration Policy: A Step towards Global Justice



In this article we argue for a world in which open borders are the rule and not the exception. This argument is based on the general recognition of ius migrandias a basic right of persons. An open-border immigration policy is preferable—atleast from a normative standpoint—to the typical policies designed to control or block borders through the simplistic mode of constructing walls. On the basis of a global conception of distributive justice as suggested by cosmopolitan egalitarians,we claim that open-door policies—or, failing in that, the implementation of a system of economic compensation for poor countries—provide powerful means to respond to the enormous inequalities that exist between countries and represent an appropriate way to order current migratory flows.

Cover image


  • immigration policy
  • border control
  • human rights
  • state sovereignty
  • distributive global justice

How to Cite

VELASCO, J. C. (2016). Open-Border Immigration Policy: A Step towards Global Justice. Migraciones Internacionales, 8(31), 43–72.


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