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Vol. 8 No. 30 (2016): January-June, 2016

Explaining State and Local Anti-Immigrant Policies in the United States: The Case of Arizona’s SB 1070



From 2004 to 2010, Arizona’s administrations and Congresses implemented a broad series of policies against undocumented immigrants, including the passage of more than 40 laws. This article analyzes the reasons for the existence and restrictive sense of the harshest of all these laws, Arizona sb 1070. The author analyzes both its approval by voters and the motivations of political leaders for passing it. He argues that this law is the result of electoral interests and promoting a state- and nationwide anti-immigrant agenda with voter support.

Cover image


  • state immigration laws
  • Arizona
  • migration policy
  • Arizona sb 1070
  • international migration

How to Cite

TORRE CANTALAPIEDRA, E. (2016). Explaining State and Local Anti-Immigrant Policies in the United States: The Case of Arizona’s SB 1070. Migraciones Internacionales, 8(30), 37–63.


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