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Vol. 8 No. 29 (2015): July-December, 2015

The Image of Skilled Migration in North America



This article analyzes skilled migration in North America from the perspective of risk communication, based on the narrative analysis of 241 articles published in 2012 and 2013 by Mexican, US and Canadian journals. While the Mexican media warn on the risks of skilled migration, the US ones build the image of migrants as a possible danger for the country´s economy. The Canadian media focus on the lack of skilled workers and report on the effects of brain drain in Canada. We conclude that risk communication on brain drain creates and agenda of problems to be considered by the national public policies and regional agreements on skilled migration.

Cover image


  • skilled migration
  • brain drain
  • risk communication
  • North America
  • migration policy

How to Cite

TIGAU, C. (2016). The Image of Skilled Migration in North America. Migraciones Internacionales, 8(29), 194–229.


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