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Vol. 16 (2025): January-December, 2025

Social Capital and Child Migration in Chile: Problems in Generating Social Relationships in Educational Environments



The objective of this article is to analyze the difficulties that foreign students face in creating social relationships and bonds of friendship in an educational context with a high migrant presence in Santiago de Chile. The methodological strategy developed is qualitative, with observation and ethnographic interview being the main techniques for obtaining data, which was carried out within two basic education schools. Based on the concept of social capital, this study illustrates how diversity in ethnic elements, such as language, religious beliefs, and skin color, lead to difficulties for social integration in Chilean schools, which in turn generates experiences of violence and discrimination among students. The importance of this work lies in the fact that it provides important elements to understand the problems that migrant children face in Chile.


  • migration
  • education
  • social capital
  • Chile
  • segregation

How to Cite

Landeros Jaime, F. J. (2025). Social Capital and Child Migration in Chile: Problems in Generating Social Relationships in Educational Environments. Migraciones Internacionales, 16.


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