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Vol. 9 No. 33 (2017): July-December, 2017

A Spanish Ghetto? The Effect of Intermediary Structures on the Integration of Second Generation Immigrants



This article discusses youth marginalization and the qualitative process of ghettoization in a disadvantaged area of Madrid. This ethnographic study examines the role of intermediary structures (family, ethnic community and civil associations) on the life trajectories taken by young people who have been excluded from the education system. The results of this research show that the protective effects of these structures depend on the quality of their social capital. This case study also suggests that this kind of capital arises from a specific collaboration between ethnic, religious and secular organizations in which women play a decisive role.

Cover image


  • Second generation
  • urban segregation
  • ethnic communities
  • social capital
  • Spain

How to Cite

ESEVERRI MAYER, C. (2017). <strong>A Spanish Ghetto? The Effect of Intermediary Structures on the Integration of Second Generation Immigrants</strong>. Migraciones Internacionales, 9(33), 173–199.


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