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Vol. 10 (2019): January-December, 2019

Incorporation of South American immigrants in Santiago de Chile: Migratory Networks and Occupational Mobility



The article explores the characteristics of the incorporation of South American immigrants in Santiago. Based on survey data, the analysis focused on the importance of using networks at the time of arriving in the city and looking for work, and the trajectories of occupational mobility of immigrants in relation to their positions in origin. The results shows the key role of social capital in the processes of incorporation into the city, the existence of differentiated and heterogeneous incorporation trajectories among the different national groups, and the presence of a segmented U-shaped pattern of occupational mobility.

Cover image


  • South American immigrants
  • incorporation processes
  • immigrant networks
  • occupational mobility
  • Santiago de Chile.

How to Cite

Virgilio, P. B. (2019). Incorporation of South American immigrants in Santiago de Chile: Migratory Networks and Occupational Mobility. Migraciones Internacionales, 10(36).


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