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Vol. 16 (2025): enero-diciembre, 2025

Parent-Child Separation and Plans for Family Reunification after Deportation to Mexico from the United States



The objective of this study is to analyze how families plan to reorganize following forced parent-child separation by deportation, using new survey data that quantifies the reunification plans of parents deported from the United States to Mexico between 2015 and 2019. U.S. administrative records and data from the Encuesta sobre Migración en la Frontera Norte de México are used to estimate the number of Mexican adults deported from the United States who were separated from their children, as well as their reunification plans. There were between 97 000 and 105 000 deportations of Mexican adults separated from minor children in the United States during this period. Among deported parents, 39% planned to remain separated, 20% planned to reunify in the United States, and 11% planned to reunify in Mexico. The study discusses the need for greater judicial discretion in deportation hearings to protect the well-being of children in migrant families.

Palabras clave

  • deportation
  • family separation
  • family reunification
  • Mexico
  • United States

Cómo citar

Hamilton, E. R., Langer, P., & Masferrer , C. (2025). Parent-Child Separation and Plans for Family Reunification after Deportation to Mexico from the United States. Migraciones Internacionales, 16.


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