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Vol. 9 No. 32 (2017): January-June, 2017

Reorientation of Argentine Social Security Policy and Access of Bordering Migrants to Social Security



The impact that the re orientation of social security policy in Argentina has on the social security coverage of bordering elder migrants is investigated, and the attributes of those who began to receive social security income in the period 2005-2012 is analyzed. The condition of new beneficiary is established, departing from the follow up of individuals in pairs of successive waves of the Permanent Household Survey in the period 2005 to 2012.     It is observed that changes in the social security legislation has facilitated the access of bordering foreigners to contributive and non-contributive retirement grants, especially benefiting females. In spite of all these enhancements, the gap in the levels of social security levels persisted thus affecting the bordering migrants, especially females.

Cover image


  • regional migration
  • social security coverage
  • retirement
  • aging
  • Argentina

How to Cite

SALA, G. A. (2017). <strong>Reorientation of Argentine Social Security Policy and Access of Bordering Migrants to Social Security</strong>. Migraciones Internacionales, 9(32), 119–149.


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