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Vol. 8 No. 30 (2016): January-June, 2016

The Fight Against Discrimination and Access to Justice. A Path to Integration



This article explores the hypothesis that migrant integration policy can be improved through the development of standards and antidiscrimination policies. It examines the principle of nondiscrimination, particularly in terms of racial or ethnic origin, as a path to integration. From this perspective, it identifies how instances of discrimination place immigrants in disadvantageous situations. It proposes keys for interpreting social patterns of discrimination. Finally, it reflects on how access to justice can be a means to achieve protection against discrimination. The study identifies this as a guarantee based on a theory of justice that assigns priority to the principle of equal participation.

Cover image


  • integration
  • anti-discrimination law
  • migrants’ rights in Spain
  • racism
  • access to justice

How to Cite

AÑÓN, M. J. (2016). The Fight Against Discrimination and Access to Justice. A Path to Integration. Migraciones Internacionales, 8(30), 220–254.


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