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Vol. 8 No. 28 (2015): January-June, 2015

Working Trajectories of Migrant Cuban Women in Spain



This study focuses on the career paths of migrant Cuban women in Spain and, in particular, attempts to determine whether there are elements that help or differentiate their access to the job market. To this end, an anthropological study was made using an ethnography-based qualitative approach. Between 2010 and 2012,a total of 31 in-depth interviews were conducted. The main results reveal that the fact that women are well represented in the Cuban job market, their good training, and their ability to develop strategies to cope with adverse situations are all elements of considerable importance. In turn, it is pointed out that current Cubanmigratory regulations, to a certain extent, cause Cubans to plan their migration with no return in mind; this often distances them from job sectors involving reproductivework.

Cover image


  • employability
  • gender
  • female immigration
  • Cuba
  • Spain

How to Cite

GARCÍA-MORENO, C. (2016). Working Trajectories of Migrant Cuban Women in Spain. Migraciones Internacionales, 8(28), 189–218.


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