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Vol. 15 (2024): January-December, 2024

Interterritorial Violence Against Immigrant Women (IVIW): Migratory Trajectories of Latin American Women Living in Northern Chile



The term interterritorial violence against immigrant women (IVIW) is proposed as a spatial reading of the continuum of violence suffered by migrant women from the Latin American and Caribbean region in their journey and stay in Chile. Adopting the theoretical-methodological term of migratory trajectories, testimonies of 30 migrant women are analyzed, investigating the spatio-temporal construction of their mobility, nourished by biographical narratives. IVIW reflects its transit through regions with expressions of violence that go beyond the territory of birth, transit, waiting, permanence, as well as any political-administrative border. This inter-territorial reading of violence exposes how the composite condition of migrant-woman in inhabited territories determines a particular positioning in relation to highly masculinized spaces. It is concluded that IVIW is a contribution to the construction of regional migration policies that recognize this violence and allow a female migrant institutionality that appeals to the construction of safe territories.


  • gender-based violence
  • human rights violation
  • migration policy
  • vulnerability
  • Chile

How to Cite

Contreras Gatica, Y., & Seguel Calderón, B. . (2024). Interterritorial Violence Against Immigrant Women (IVIW): Migratory Trajectories of Latin American Women Living in Northern Chile. Migraciones Internacionales, 15.


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