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Vol. 15 (2024): January-December, 2024

Siblings Negotiations in the Transnational Care of Non-Migrant Parents in Peru



Based on fourteen in-depth interviews with Peruvian migrants living in Switzerland, the article analyzes the family arrangements between migrant and non-migrant siblings on behalf of their parents living in Peru. The findings highlight that decision-making is affected by power relations, where gender and economic resources play a decisive role. Sibling negotiations are also related to the capacity to fulfil the filial duty of taking care and feeling recognized as the son or daughter who takes care of the parents, just as the parents did when the siblings were children. While the sample covers a group of migrants settled in Switzerland who achieved important levels of social, cultural, and labor integration, the results provide insights on transnational care issues that are applicable to other South-North migration contexts.


  • transnational care
  • family
  • siblings
  • Peru
  • Switzerland

How to Cite

Carbajal, M., Cavagnoud, R., Ramírez, C., & Stefoni, C. (2024). Siblings Negotiations in the Transnational Care of Non-Migrant Parents in Peru. Migraciones Internacionales, 15.


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