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Vol. 15 (2024): January-December, 2024

Political Subjectivation: Apathy and Participation in the Colombian Diaspora in Rome



Through the application of the concept of political subjectivation to qualitative research, this article analyzes the modalities of political participation or apathy in the group of Colombian migrants living in Rome. Both involve the contexts of origin and destination, where different micro-social relationships contribute, in addition to the classic citizen-State link. Furthermore, it is concluded that apathy, rather than being a distortion of the political system, is a strategy through which people understand and deal with their own world.


  • Colombian migration
  • political attitude
  • foreign vote
  • Colombia
  • Italy

How to Cite

Ciurlo, A., & Meza, D. (2024). Political Subjectivation: Apathy and Participation in the Colombian Diaspora in Rome . Migraciones Internacionales, 15.


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