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Vol. 15 (2024): January-December, 2024

Homies in Post-Deportation: Risks and Difficulties among Deportees in Integrating into Life in Guadalajara



After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, reforms to U.S immigration laws have been implemented, resulting in mass deportations of millions of Mexicans. This article seeks to identify the risks and difficulties faced by former gang members deported to Mexico after engaging in criminal behavior and living in U.S prisons. And who are currently seeking to rebuild their lives in Guadalajara. For this purpose, a series of 35 surveys was carried out, from which 31 cases were derived that were the object of study of this project. The analysis of the survey results allowed to understand the main difficulties that deported homies face in finding work, reintegrating with their families, and staying away from drugs and alcohol.


  • post-deportation
  • homies
  • social integration
  • United States of America
  • Guadalajara

How to Cite

Fabián Jiménez, A., Ángel Lara , H. A., & Valdez Neri, E. (2024). Homies in Post-Deportation: Risks and Difficulties among Deportees in Integrating into Life in Guadalajara. Migraciones Internacionales, 15.


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