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Vol. 13 (2022): January-December, 2022

Between Technology and Distances: Emotional Remittances and Bonding Culture in Ecuadorian Transnational Families



Analyses of economic remittances have focused on the role of migrants as providers. This study broadens the concept of locating remittances at the emotional level as a key factor in the reciprocal and conflictive relationships built between migrants and non-migrants. Through qualitative thematic analysis, the association between physical distance and virtual co-presence is explored in the experiences and perceptions of three groups of Ecuadorians: migrants, migrants’ relatives, and returned migrants. The findings suggest that, thanks to ICTs, the co-responsibility for keeping the culture of bonds active means that, while it is strengthened by feelings of love and solidarity, it also reveals tensions over resentments, obligations, and guilt. Although virtual co-presence that exists is dynamic and daily, emotional gaps persist. This illustrates the need for programs that support transnational families to cope with the effects of separation.


  • migration
  • ICT
  • co-presence
  • Ecuador.
  • Spain

How to Cite

Chalá Mejía, P., Suquillo Guijarro, X., & Villafuerte, I. (2022). Between Technology and Distances: Emotional Remittances and Bonding Culture in Ecuadorian Transnational Families. Migraciones Internacionales, 13.


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