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Vol. 12 (2021): January-December, 2021

Roots on the Wrong Side of Their Lives? Young Returnees and Deportees from the United States to Guanajuato



The article analyzes the experience narrated by young migrant returnees and deportees from the United States, settled in Guanajuato, Mexico. From this, we discuss the explanatory limits of the perspectives of transnationalism and return migration. The cases analyzed allow us to identify that young people undergo an adaptation process supported by their family networks when migrating from North to South. These provide a double-edged sword: while facilitating their integration in Mexico, they are also their first source of discrimination, which later includes other experiences. If, in the beginning, the young people who were forced to return find themselves caged by these intangible resources, they also overcome them by expanding their identity repertoires by reconstituting their sense of belonging to Mexico. We seek to highlight the need to develop a research agenda focused on young migrants, to whom it is difficult to extrapolate existing analytical perspectives.


  • young migrants
  • return migration
  • transnationalism
  • Guanajuato
  • Mexico

How to Cite

Vila-Freyer, A. (2021). Roots on the Wrong Side of Their Lives? Young Returnees and Deportees from the United States to Guanajuato. Migraciones Internacionales, 12.


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