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Vol. 12 (2021): January-December, 2021

Migrant Caravan Crisis: Some Realities About the Public Discourse on Twitter



The study aims to explore Twitter content to find out the confrontational structure of online public discourse during the migrant caravan crisis of 2018. To carry out this approach, an exploratory quantitative method was chosen to analyze a representative universe of the messages published on the platform from January 1 to February 15, 2019. The findings indicate —among others— that the public discourse on the caravan is transnational, widely stimulated by the media, and for the most part, expresses neutral sentiment. However, the articulation of the media landscape and the rhetorical structure of the migration crisis seem to exhibit similarities and differences between countries of receiving tradition and transit. For the latter, it is suggested to extend the research to other technological means involved in the construction/deconstruction of the migratory narrative.


  • migrant caravan
  • public discourse on Twitter
  • migration crisis rhetoric
  • Mexico
  • Central America.

How to Cite

Toudert, D. (2021). Migrant Caravan Crisis: Some Realities About the Public Discourse on Twitter. Migraciones Internacionales, 12.


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