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Vol. 12 (2021): January-December, 2021

Purchased "Papers": Unorthodox Procedures Implemented by Guatemalans to Acquire Mexican Personal Identification Documents



This article analyzes a series of extralegal procedures implemented by Guatemalans to acquire Mexican personal identification documents. The research focuses on the experiences of descendants of families who took refuge in Mexico during the 1980s and 1990s and returned to Guatemala between 1994 and 1996. These young people, born in Guatemala after their parents returned to their country of origin, employed the practice of buying Mexican birth certificates which were later used to enter Mexico legally. The fieldwork was carried out in two Guatemalan villages, as well as two Mexican ones, located in Cancun and Playa del Carmen. The main argument is that for them Mexican identification documents become a singular force that confers recognition and offers them the possibility to be incorporated into governmental logic which grants material benefits. Such forms of political imagination are related to the experiences of multiple documentation accumulated by older generations during their refuge period and are now encouraged by the Mexican State’s new border security strategy.


  • personal identification documents
  • young people
  • political merchandise
  • Riviera Maya
  • Mexico
  • Guatemala.

How to Cite

Bedoya, L. (2021). Purchased "Papers": Unorthodox Procedures Implemented by Guatemalans to Acquire Mexican Personal Identification Documents. Migraciones Internacionales, 12.


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