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Vol. 10 (2019): January-December, 2019

Words matter: representation of Mexican immigrants in newspapers from Mexico and the United States



The purpose of this study is to analyze how, in news articles published in online versions of print newspapers from both the United States and Mexico, media represent Mexican immigrants based on the wording they use in articles about immigration issues. The study was done by analyzing, counting and comparing the words used by newspapers. Using critical discourse analysis as methodology, this study aims to contribute to a growing body of literature on the language used by the media and its influence on media consumers.

Cover image


  • immigrants
  • representation
  • newspapers
  • United States
  • Mexico.

How to Cite

Galindo Gómez, S. E. (2019). Words matter: representation of Mexican immigrants in newspapers from Mexico and the United States. Migraciones Internacionales, 10(36).


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