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Vol. 11 (2020): January-December, 2020

Thinking Immigration from the City’s Institutions



This paper conducts a bibliographic review of the main theoretical formulations that make migration processes dialogue with urban dynamics. From this, two records of academic literature arise. The first one, from a sociological approach, problematizes not only the modalities of gradual integration of immigrants into urban space but also the challenges resulting from the forms of occupation and transformation of the social, economic, cultural, and symbolic spaces of the city. The second one has a political science approach that explores the new analytical perspectives that reconstruct and reformulates the problems of the urban management of immigration, examining the different scenarios and factors that influence and shape the governance of immigration and cultural diversity in cities. These two approaches are significantly useful and have undeniable heuristic value to construct a modern immigration theory in the urban context. 


  • migration
  • integration
  • city
  • Europe
  • America.

How to Cite

Tshitshi Ndouba, K. (2020). Thinking Immigration from the City’s Institutions. Migraciones Internacionales, 11.


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