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Vol. 11 (2020): January-December, 2020

En búsqueda de tierra y agua: Desde Chihuahua, México a Santa Cruz, Bolivia



This article analyzes the Mennonite migration process from the arid plains of Chihuahua in northern Mexico to South America’s Santa Cruz in Bolivia, associating intensive use of underground water resources to migration as a trigger. The analysis in this research suggests that the Mennonite migration model has found social conditions in Latin American countries, particularly in their transition from Mexico to Bolivia, that has allowed it to flourish. The results indicate opportunities for devising social integration policies that promote environmental sustainability at the Mennonite migration host communities.


  • international migration
  • water
  • sustainability
  • Mexico
  • Bolivia.

How to Cite

Manzanares Rivera, J. L. (2020). En búsqueda de tierra y agua: Desde Chihuahua, México a Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Migraciones Internacionales, 11.


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