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Vol. 11 (2020): January-December, 2020

Cambio climático y migración forzada



The population of environmentally displaced people has increased recently, thus this article aims to address the challenges climate change may impose on Nation-States concerning human rights in relation to forced migration. The relationship between climate change and forced migration will be studied in order to present the problems arising from the allocation of international responsibility among States and the international protection (or the lack thereof) of “Climate Refugees” and stateless persons caused by the disappearance of Nation-States under climate change; solutions will be proposed under the existing International Human Rights Law.


  • climate change
  • forced migration
  • climate refugees
  • statelessness
  • environmental displacement.

How to Cite

Llain Arenilla, S., & Hawkins Rada, C. (2020). Cambio climático y migración forzada. Migraciones Internacionales, 11.


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