Vol. 15 (2024): enero-diciembre, 2024
Activists, Smugglers, and Researchers in the Migration Industry in Mexico
Bonn International Center for Conflict Studies, Germany; Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica, Mexico
This article aims to problematize the role of activists, smugglers, and researchers in the current lucrative migration industry, understood as networks of transnational migration that facilitate the movement of people, often in violation of states laws. The analysis is based on data obtained through 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork with African migrants in transit through Mexico, smugglers, and activists in civil society organizations. Based on three specific cases—an activist, a smuggler, and a researcher—this work elucidates how the practices implemented by these actors are criminalized (or not), and how they contribute to the perpetuation of irregular migration. Moving away from a state-centric approach, this article contributes to the current literature by analyzing certain transgressive activities and the subjective position of those involved, whether for ethical, financial, or political reasons.
Palabras clave
- migration industry
- smuggler
- activists
- African migrants
- Mexico
Cómo citar
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