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Vol. 14 (2023): January-December, 2023

Foreign Entrepreneurs in Migrations Studies: Balance and Perspectives



This article aims to review the theoretical notions and approaches from migration studies around international business and migrant entrepreneurs, identifying guidelines and problematizing their scope. The methodology used involved conducting a bibliographic review of these bodies of production in studies carried out in Europe and the United States. It is concluded that, in both cases, the central focus is on the migrant-turned-entrepreneur, unlike migration studies that place greater emphasis on analyzing the processes that lead to their conversion. International business concentrates on the global deployment of the migrant entrepreneur. While, from the point of view of entrepreneurship, migrants tend to be classified as entrepreneurs, and therefore, their productive activity is studied with greater attention from an international perspective.


  • migrant entrepreneurs
  • migrations
  • entrepreneurship
  • Europe
  • United States

How to Cite

Tapia Ladino, M., & Chacón-Onetto, F. M. . (2023). Foreign Entrepreneurs in Migrations Studies: Balance and Perspectives. Migraciones Internacionales, 14.


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