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Vol. 14 (2023): January-December, 2023

Autonomy of Migrations: From the Political Production of Borders to Migrant Struggles



Within a global context, the increase in migrations in different regions of the world during this century has led to an increase in academic production on migration. The aim of this article is to analyze the autonomy of migration from the approaches of two of its greatest exponents, Mezzadra and De Genova, who investigate migration’s political condition, addressing the relationships of mutual influence between migrants, borders, and the State. The contribution of this paper is to show how this theoretical approach focuses on two fundamental processes to understand migration. On the one hand, it refers to the actions, strategies, and practices of those involved in shaping cross-border migration. On the other hand, it considers the role of States and borders as legal-political and historical constructs in shaping international (often irregular) migratory flows.


  • autonomy of migration
  • Mexican immigrants
  • Cúcuta and Villa del Rosario border (Colombia)
  • America
  • Europe

How to Cite

Castillo Ramírez, G. (2023). Autonomy of Migrations: From the Political Production of Borders to Migrant Struggles . Migraciones Internacionales, 14.


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