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Vol. 13 (2022): January-December, 2022

Return Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Scoping Review



The following article determines the scope and nature of the empirical evidence, that is, academic articles on migrants returning to Latin American and Caribbean countries. Using Systematic Exploratory Reviews methodology, 23 empirical studies published in indexed journals were included. The data were synthesized using descriptive statistics and conventional content analysis. Most of the participants are migrants from Mexico (n=19) and the return country is the United States (n=20). Four emerging categories were identified: a) health and well-being, b) social, political, and cultural context, c) addictions, and d) return reasons. The phenomenon under study shows innovation due to the limited scientific literature that analyzes return migration. It is concluded that people returning to their places of origin face unfavorable economic, political, and health situations.


  • migration
  • return
  • migrants
  • Latin America
  • Caribbean

How to Cite

Fernández-Sánchez, H., Vásquez-Ventura, I. S., Rivera-Ramírez, P. I., & Zahoui, Z. (2022). Return Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Scoping Review. Migraciones Internacionales, 13.


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