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Vol. 9 Núm. 35 (2018): julio-diciembre, 2018

From Portugal to Europe. A micro-level Sociology of scientific migration in times of Eurozone crisis



Academic international mobility and intra-European highly skilled migration are consolidated trends. Strongly stimulated by EU policies, the opportunities are highly dynamic, and circulation through different jobs and countries is a striking feature of the academic community. However, for fragile economy and scientific system such as Portugal’s these trends are synonymous with brain drain, particularly in times of Eurozone crisis. To study the role of the economic crisis in scientist’s decision-making process, in terms of their own migration, five individual portraits are analysed, taking into account that academic mobility is often associated with individual career perspectives and encouraged by European policies.                                        

Imagen de portada

Palabras clave

  • retratos sociológicos
  • la emigración científica
  • fuga de cerebros
  • crisis de la zona euro
  • Portugal

Cómo citar

NEIVA GANGA, R., SILVA, J. P., VAZ, H., GOMES, R., TEIXEIRA LOPES, J., CERDEIRA, L., SILVA, S., GIL CABRITO, B., MAGALHÃES, D., MACHADO-TAYLOR, M. D. L., PEIXOTO, P., BRITES, R., & PATROCÍNIO, T. (2018). <strong>From Portugal to Europe. A micro-level Sociology of scientific migration in times of Eurozone crisis</strong>. Migraciones Internacionales, 9(35), 9–38.


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