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Vol. 15 (2024): enero-diciembre, 2024

Patterns of Spatial Distribution of Migration and Poverty in Mexican Municipalities: A Bayesian Spatial Analysis



Two latent Gaussian models were used to measure the effects of poverty on the spatial distribution of municipal migration rates during the period 2015-2020. To this end, the net migration balance was estimated from the difference between the observed number of immigrants and emigrants in small geographic areas, with the purpose of testing the hypothesis that people in poverty remain immobile. The migration balance observed in poor municipalities is significantly lower than that observed in non-poor municipalities. The results showed that a one percentage point increase in municipal poverty would increase the municipal migration rate by 1.3 points. This suggests that municipalities metropolitan areas such as Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara, whose access to employment and/or housing is greater, have higher immigration rates than the national average.

Palabras clave

  • integrated nested Laplace approximations
  • net migration
  • Moran index
  • Mexico
  • inequality

Cómo citar

Núñez Medina, G. (2024). Patterns of Spatial Distribution of Migration and Poverty in Mexican Municipalities: A Bayesian Spatial Analysis. Migraciones Internacionales, 15.


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